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Mourre variant

Paper, scissors, stone, well

Two players

The variant paper, scissors... of the game of mourre is played in silence, each player brings back a point to gaining.
The game is done in a number of points fixed as a preliminary.
paper: hand opened
scissors: index and major, ecarted
stone: closed fist
well: the index and the thumb joined, form an O horizontal

Rules of the game

To remember: paper covers stone and the well, the stone blunts the scissors, the scissors cut paper, but the scissors and the stone fall into the well.

paper gains against stone and the well
the scissors gain against paper
the stone gains against the scissors
the well gains against stone and the scissors


Play against the computer

Click on one of the four figures, the blue cross blue cross marks your choice.
At the same time the computer carries out its choice, the red circle red circle indicates the figure chosen by the computer.
The signs add minus egal show that you marked or not the point against the computer or that you are with equality.
Choose, click, start again
plays computer player


Your play: :
Write four positive or null numbers and simulezsimulate 10 000 plays against the computer.
paper, scissors, stone, wells will be selected in your place, randomly with probabilities proportional to the four numbers given, in the order.

optimal mixed strategy, a strategy (still better) adapted.
Four numbers
Your gain

Computer strategies: The computer chooses paper, scissors, stone, well randomly, with probabilities that it calculates as a preliminary of one or the other in the two ways indicated.

First mixed strategy: The choice of the computer does not depend on your, the four figures are selected with the probabilities 1/3, 1/3, 0 and 1/3 which correspond to the optimal mixed strategy.

Another mixed strategy: In this second case, the computer calculates the probabilities according to yours. If you did not choose the optimal mixed strategy, you will lose (on average). At best you will be with equality (on average) against the computer.
When, for example, the first posting indicates after simulation 18 26 15 1 #ordi: 0 2 7 23, your mixed strategy was to choose the figures with the probabilities 18/60 26/60 15/60 1/60, that of the computer was to choose - in all independence - the figures with the probabilities 0/32 2/32 7/32 23/32 (of nap equalizes to 1 obviously).

Origins of the mourre

The word mourre would come from italian morra, unless it is not the reverse!
Phenicians and the navigators uses the play to conclude their commercial transactions.
The mourre was also used to decide, in other games, who would begin the game. According to Marot, the poet Guillaume Coquillart would have ruined himself there and would have died about it of sorrow (1510).

The two adversaries, upright, face, the right hand ahead, palm in the air. At the same time, they must state an unspecified number up to 10 whole while showing a number of unspecified fingers, the closed point corresponds to the zero (morra).
If the stated number equalizes the sum of the numbers of fingers of the two players, the play is gaining, but the game continues without marking downtime. Rate is of approximately a blow a second.
Each game is done in a number of points fixed in advance.

Documents, references, links

Page de liens sur les jeux
La mourre : un jeu de doigts. (www.Momes.Net)  
Roche, ciseaux, papier (Réseau CJ)
Mourre (Réseau CJ)
Regards sur la mourre (La Bordillère)
La Vénus d'Ille. Mérimée   qui évoque la statue du joueur de mourre.
Statue du joueur de mourre, au Louvre
Séminaires lacan  (L'insu que sait de l'une-bevue s'aile la mourre. Leçon du 19 avril 77).
Éléments de théorie des jeux I  Le jeu de roche-papier-ciseaux.
Jeu pierre, papier, ciseaux  Fabrice Rossi.
jeux statiques en information complète  Éléments de théorie des jeux I. Patrick González
Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard  This version is also nice because it satisfies the Law of Fives.Samuel John Kass

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© (Copyright) Jean-Paul Davalan 2002-2014