Page du site donnant des polynômes du second degré ainsi que desliens vers d'autres ressources sur le sujet et en particulier vers le concours [Al Zimmermann's Programming Contests] organisé de mars à juin 2006.
This experimental server aims at providing irreducible and primitive polynomials over finite fields. Its primary purpose is to be an example application of the ZEN library.
Factorisation absolue des polynômes en plusieurs variables (en anglais: absolute factorization), et applications.
This page summarizes what is known today about Lehmer's conjecture. It includes descriptions of algorithms, histories of searches performed, and various lists of polynomials with small measure.
Mikael Olofsson Linköping University, Sweden
This file contains a table of irreducible polynomials, one polynomial for each degree up to 4000.
Langevin Philippe
Jean-François Ragot – Limoges 1997
La factorisation absolue d'un polynôme est sa décomposition en facteurs irréductibles sur une clôture algébrique du corps de ses coefficients. Ce cas particulier de la factorisation a été assez peu étudié malgré son importance en géométrie algébrique.
(factorisation absolue de B. Trager et C. Travers – factorisation absolue des polynômes en deux indéterminées D. Duval – test d'irréductibilité absolue E. Kaltofen, C. Traverso et R. Dvornicich)
C. Boswell, M.L. Glasser
Criteria are given for determining whether an irreducible sextic equation with rational coefficients is algebraically solvable over the complex numbers.
Mikael Olofsson
What follows here was once supposed to become a technical report. That report will probably never be written. You can take a look at some of the background material of that non-exixting report anyway. The CPU time to find all the polynomials here was at least huge at the time. Therefore I make these polynomials available here for those who might need them.
by Roger L. Bagula 14 July 2000
The complete analysis of a polynomial factorization algorithm over finite fields. P. Flajolet, X. Gourdon, and D. Panario.
Maurice Mignotte,Doru Stefanescu
Nous présentons deux ouvrages peu connus de N. Bernoulli (1708) et de F.~T.~Schubert (1794) sur la factorisation des polynômes à coefficients entiers ainsi que les recherches de L. Kronecker et B.~A.~Hausmann sur le même sujet.
The standard algorithm for testing irreducibility of a trinomial of prime degree r over GF(2) requires 2r + O(1) bits of memory. We describe an algorithm which requires only 3r/2 + O(1) bits of memory and significantly fewer bit-operations than the standard algorithm.
If 2r - 1 is a Mersenne prime, then an irreducible trinomial of degree r is necessarily primitive. We give primitive trinomials for the Mersenne exponents r = 756839, 859433, and 3021377. The results for r = 859433 extend and correct some computations of Kumada et al [Mathematics of Computation 69 (2000), 811-814]. The two results for r = 3021377 are primitive trinomials of the highest known degreee.
Search for Primitive Trinomials (mod 2)
Excerpted from Beachy/Blair, Abstract Algebra, Second Edition, Copyright 1996 Chapter 4
Du polynôme de Kauffman au polynôme de Jones
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