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Équations de Pell-Fermat - Pell

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Michel Waldschmidt
Cours du 15/01/2009: L'équation dite de Pell-Fermat - présentation LaTeX (fichier pdf, 1,1 Mo). Enregistrement, diapositives, archive ...
Keith Matthews
Pell equation   Home Page for John Robertson
Historical work of Krishnaswamy  Ayyangar  Kindly supplied by his son  A.K. Rajgopal
New light on BHASKARA'S CHAKRAVALA or cyclic method of solving indeterminate equations of the second degree in two variables. The first complete proof of Bhaskara's Cyclic Method is sketched in this paper.
Avinash Sathaye Visit Indology related sites for other interests.
Cette page trouve - elle aussi - son origine dans le sujet de CAPES interne 1991. Dans la première partie de ce sujet, on cherche à résoudre dans Z l'équation x2 - 3y2 = 1. La suite est à prendre comme une simple illustration graphique de cette partie.
J J O'Connor and E F Robertson



pell equation's  solution by continue fraction method






Il s'agit de résoudre dans l'ensemble des entiers l'équation : x2 - Ny2 = 1 Où N est un entier donné par l'utilisateur.
J.F.Heintzen ac.orleans-tours.fr
Développement en fraction continue de n
WIMS wims.unice.fr --- XIAO Gang
Solving the Pell equation x2 - dy2 = ±1 (NICF-P), (NSCF)
Diophantine Sets over Polynomial Rings  and Hilbert's Tenth Problem for Function Fields
Jeroen Demeyer



Solving families of simultaneous Pell equations
<http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~mabennet/publ.html> <http://www.math.ust.hk/excalibur/Vol_6_no_3.pdf>
H W Lenstra Jr.
M. Couchouron Préparation à l'Agrégation Rennes I
J. L. Lagrange  Solution d'un Problème d'arithmétique
Ilan Vardi American Mathematical Monthly
this paper is to take the Cattle Problem out of the realm of the \astronomical" and put it into manageable form. This is achieved in formulas (12) and (13) which give explicit forms for the solution.
Henri Darmon May
solution du probleme d'Archimede au debut du 20eme siecle, \une sphere du diametre de la voie lacteee, que la lumiere prend dix mille ans a traverser, ne contiendrait qu'une partie inme de ce troupeau, a 1 supposer m^eme que la taille de chaque animal ne depass^at point celle de la plus minuscule bacterie"...
Kenneth Hardy and Kenneth S. Williams – Pacific J. Math. Volume 124, Number 1 (1986), 145-158.
<http://www.projecteuclid.org/DPubS?service=UI&version=1.0&verb=Display&handle=euclid.pjm/1102700685> <http://www.lacim.uqam.ca/~plouffe/OEIS/archive_in_pdf/pellequations.pdf>
Dusan Djukic
V. S. Varadarajan – University of California
Linas Vepstas



Pell Equation  Mathworld
Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson
<http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/HistTopics/Pell.html> <http://modular.fas.harvard.edu/edu/Fall2001/124/lectures/lecture20/lecture20/node2.html> <http://mathforum.org/dr.math/problems/weber.12.11.00.html>
IREM Strasbourg



1 March 1611 in Southwick, Sussex, England - 12 Dec 1685 in London, England
Pell worked on algebra and number theory. He gave a table of factors of all integers up to 100000 in 1668. Pell's equation y2 = ax2 + 1, where a is a non-square integer, was first studied by Brahmagupta and Bhaskara. Its complete theory was worked out by Lagrange, not Pell.
It is believed that Euler made an error in naming the equation 'Pell's equation', and that he was intending to acknowledge the outstanding contribution made by Brouncker. It is interesting to think that if Euler had not made this error then Brouncker, instead of being relatively unknown as a mathematician, would be universally known through 'Brouncker's equation'.
Serge MEHL chronomath
Derek Smith
Ian G Pearce (alternative url)
Wikipedia The chronology of Indian mathematics spans from the Indus valley civilization and the Vedas to Modern times.
Indian mathematicians have made a number of significant contributions to mathematics including place-value arithmetical notation and the concept of zero.
indian mathematicians blog
Jean Itard – Revue d'histoire des sciences et de leurs applications



The Pell Equation  (1658 – 1943)



ScienceOxygen.com Mining of Science Knowledge
<http://www.scienceoxygen.com/math/317.html> <http://www.math.uga.edu/~ntheory/gateways.html>

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