Théorème de Fermat - Fermat last theorem
Welcome to one of the most fascinating areas of mathematics. There's a fair amount of work involved in understanding even approximately how the recent proof of this theorem was done, but if you like mathematics, you should find it very rewarding.
Yves Gallot
Beaumont de Lomagne
Created and maintained by
Keith Matthews, Brisbane, Australia
Here are some recent papers. They are available either as dvi or as postscript files. They may be very slightly different from the published versions, e.g. they may not include corrections made to the proofs.
On the modularity of elliptic curves over Q. C.Breuil, B.Conrad, F.Diamond and R.Taylor J.A.M.S. 14 (2001), 843-939.
A very general and important conjecture (and now theorem) connecting Topology and Number Theory which arose from several problems proposed by Taniyama in a 1955 international mathematics symposium.
The Quest to Solve the World's Greatest Mathematical Problem by Simon Singh
by Alf Van Der Poorten
Everything you've been wanting to ask about number theory and Fermat's Last Theorem but were afraid to admit you didn't know.
"The poetry far excels that normally found in math books". H W Lenstra
Table of Contents
by Gary Cornell (Editor), Joseph H. Silverman (Editor), Glenn Stevens (Editor)
Le "petit théorème de Fermat" est un bijou de simplicité et d'utilité. Depuis sa découverte il y a plus de 400 ans par Fermat, on l'a redémontré d'au moins 100 manières différentes !
Par Géry Huvent, Michel Gouy et Alain Ladureau, dans le cadre de l'IREM de Lille.
Volume 141, No. 3 May, 1995 Pages 443-551 ANDREW WILES ( MathSciNet is available by subscription only).
Ring-theoretic properties of certain Hecke algebras. Pages 553-572. AMS Review
by K. Rubin and A. Silverberg
Abstract : In lectures at the Newton Institute in June of 1993, Andrew Wiles announced a proof of a large part of the Taniyama-Shimura Conjecture and, as a consequence, Fermat's Last Theorem. This report for nonexperts discusses the mathematics involved in Wiles' lectures, including the necessary background and the mathematical history.
Kenneth A. Ribet
In this article I outline a proof of the theorem (proved in [25]): Conjecture of Taniyama-Shimura ==> Fermat's Last Theorem.
My aim is to summarize the main ideas of [25] for a relatively wide audience and to communicate the structure of the proof to non-specialists.
Charles Daney
including an interview with Andrew Wiles, an essay on Sophie Germain,...
written up shortly afterwards for inclusion in the book "Puzzlers' Tribute: A Feast for the Mind" by David Wolfe (Editor) and Tom Rodgers (Editor), published by A. K. Peters.
(retrieve the
Game links for TorusGames and Asteroid in this page)
<The Mathematics of Fermat's Last Theorem>
A Conference on the proof of Andrew J. Wiles Boston University August 9-18th, 1995 Interim Reports by Roy Lisker Exclusive to The Tangled Web
The proof of Fermat's last theorem by Andrew Wiles and Richard Taylor was presented to an audience of over 300 people during a ten--day conference at Boston University in August, 1995. At that conference, I issued a poetry challenge asking for occasional verse to celebrate the proof. While the authors' anonymity was preserved at the meeting, all things are revealed in time.
Le 400e anniversaire de Fermat année 2001
Académie de Toulouse
by Mike Hall
James Propp University of Wisconsin Madison
Much of the material that seeded this archive was copied from the former gopher archive pertaining to "Fermat's Last Theorem" at Comments and problem reports should be sent to: W. F. Hammond
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