Nelson Minar
On Tuesday, April 10, 1995, 10AM-3PM, Greg Chaitin will give an informal workshop at SFI on the details behind his recent talk "A New Version of Algorithmic Information Theory". This page is a set of collected notes on how to access the background material: the workshop will be working through some of the material in his book "The Limits of Mathematics"
with: The Limits of Mathematics. The lisp interpreter and sample lisp.
New Scientist magazine, 10 March 2001
He shattered mathematics with a single number. And that was just for starters, says Marcus Chown
The Limits of Reason; Scientific American Magazine; March 2006; by Gregory Chaitin; 8 Page(s)
Tien D Kieu
Cristian S. Calude
Our aim is to discuss some new faces of the incompleteness phenomenon unveiled by an information-theoretic approach to randomness and recent developments in quantum computing.
Cristian S. Calude, Boris Pavlov
Is there any hope for quantum computing to challenge the Turing barrier, i.e. to solve an undecidable problem, to compute an uncomputable function? According to Feynman's '82 argument, the answer is negative. This paper re-opens the case: we will discuss solutions to a few simple problems which suggest that quantum computing is theoretically capable of computing uncomputable functions.
M. A. Man'ko, V. I. Man'ko, R. Vilela Mendes
Joseph S. Miller and André Nies
Cristian S. Calude, Michael J. Dinneen, and Chi-Kou Shu. "Computing a Glimpse of Randomness," Experimental Mathematics, Vol. 11 (2002), No. 3.
the first digits of Chaitin's Omega number
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