Algèbre de Boole, Réseaux de Neurones, Algorithmes génétiques ...
Table de vérité et forme normale disjonctive. Tautologies
David R. Wilkins School of Mathematics Trinity College, Dublin
The Calculus of Logic (1848) first published in The Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal, vol. 3 (1848)
Automatic Design of Algorithms Through Evolution (ADATE) is a system for automatic programming i.e., inductive inference of algorithms, which may be the best way to develop artificial and general intelligence. The ADATE system can automatically generate non-trivial and novel algorithms. Algorithms are generated through large scale combinatorial search that employs sophisticated program transformations and heuristics. The ADATE system is particularly good at synthesizing symbolic, functional programs and has several interesting qualities.
Examples of Specifications and Synthesized Programs
Even parity checking, Reversing a list, Duplicate checking ...
The CTAN macros/latex/contrib/karnaugh/ directory
Karnaugh maps and Veitch charts are used to simplify logic equations. The drawing of them used to be a boring, annoying and error-prone task. With the included macros this is no longer a problem. They can typeset Karnaugh maps and Veitch charts with up to ten variables, which is more than you might likely need. You only have to provide a list of variable identifiers plus the function table of your logic function(s). The macros also allow to mark the simplifications of your logic function directly within a Karnaugh map or Veitch chart.
S. A. Kiselev, S. R. Bickham and A. J. Sievers
Agnieszka Julia Marasik Warsaw University Bialystok
Bdsyn is a tool for quickly describing and implementing combinational logic. It allows the user to describe a circuit function and produce an implementation of that circuit automatically.
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