Jeu de Waré - Wari Game
... Wari and related board games ... A bit of math : on the 3x+1 problem
Wari is a very old game from Africa. It belongs to the large group of Mancala games. All of these games are played by moving uniform pieces around a oard. Wari is a game of pure mental skill: no luck is involved. Only practice will allow you to reach higher levels of play.
A book by Larry Russ
The following text offers general information about this game. To find out more about each game in the Museum's Collection, click on a picture in the table at the bottom of this page.
This unique Count and Capture board was purchased by the Museum in 1982 at a shop in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The shop owner indicated that the board was acquired from Upper Volta (the then political name of Burkina Faso)
The game of AWELE is the most popular game in western Africa. It is often considered as an agricultural metaphor: playing can be viewed as sowing seeds; places with many seeds are lofts; your objective is to live on your opponent's harvest without making him starve; and so forth.
Temes d'interès
La meva col.lecció de waris.
Història instruccions variants juguem-hi?
VÃktor Bautista I Roca
El wari es el ajedrez de Ãfrica. Es un juego practicado desde hace milenios, en su distintas variantes, por la gente de Ãfrica y oriente medio. La variante que se suele llamar "wari", "ourri", "warri", "oware", "awari", "awele", o similares -que es la que comentaré aquÃ- se juega en Costa de Marfil y en el Caribe. Lugar al que fue llevada por los esclavos negros.
Mancala on the Web: A game of mancala. Unfortunately, there are only 2 difficulty levels, idiot and novice.
The Combinatorics of Mancala-Type Games: A mathematical treatment of mancala and similar `sowing' games, such as Ayo and Tchoukaitlon.
Combinatorial Game Theory: A list at UC Irvine of articles on games and game theory.
Strategy Gaming Club Traditional Games Description | History | Rules | Playing Pieces | Strategies | Links
The Museum and Archive of Games... is a unique public institution dedicated to research of games and game-related behaviour, and to the collection, preservation, and exhibition of games and game-related objects.
of the Department of Computer Science, University of Limburg, Maastricht, the Netherlands. Here you find information on the group's main interests, the members, the current projects, and an overview of relevant publications. Furthermore, we have included some pointers to Computer-Games-related pages from all over the WWW.
Obviously, this research belongs to our Computer Games Group. I work together with Jos Uiterwijk, Jaap van den Herik (my supervisor), and Jonathan Schaeffer.
Homo Ludens
We solved the game of awari! When both players play optimally, the game ends in a draw. With the applet below, you can play a game against a (potentially) infallible opponent, and look up the eventual score of every position that can be reached in a game.
Certain endgame considerations in the two-player Nigerian Mancala-type game Ayo can be identified with the problem of finding winning positions in the solitaire game Tchoukaitlon. The periodicity of the pit occupancies in s stone winning positions is determined. Given n pits, the number of stones in a winning position is found to be asymptotically bounded by n^2/pi.
Dots-and-Boxes is a child's game which remains analytically unsolved. We implement and evolve artificial neural networks to play this game, evaluating them against simple heuristic players. Our networks do not evaluate or predict the final outcome of the game, but rather recommend moves at each stage. Superior generalisation of play by co-evolved populations is found, and a comparison made with networks trained by back-propagation using simple heuristics as an oracle.
Authors: Lex Weaver, Terry Bossomaier
VÃktor Bautista i Roca
Le site présente les jeux de la famille wari/solo, joués en Afrique et aussi dans d'autres parties du monde.
Most of these African games-related informations and links have been collected by Edward Brisse
Combinatorial Game Theory studies strategies and mathematics of two-player games of perfect knowledge such as chess or go (but often either concentrating instead on simpler games such as nim, or solving endgames and other special cases).
Pà gina feta per en VÃktor Bautista i Roca, amb data 6/6/96. Darrera modificació, 17/2/98.