Conversions de Langages - Languages Translators
Toba translates Java class files into C source code. This allows the construction of directly executable programs that avoid the overhead of interpretation. Toba deals with stand-alone applications, not applets.
Toba actually reads Java class files, the object code files produced by the Java compiler for an abstract "Java virtual machine" (JVM). The generated code is designed not for human readability (although that's not impossible) but rather for easy optimization by a reasonably clever C compiler. (November, 1996)
I've developed this program for my own entertainment, and have happily used its output as a starting point in my own work. It usually takes a lot of editing to get something useful, but it's often easier than starting from scratch. This program is really just a toy for me to play with, so please don't expect production quality code herin.
3ds2scn - a translator from 3D STUDIO ASCII files to SCN. This program is an AWK script. etc.
Bilingual French-English dictionary
French to English Dictionary
a2ps-4.3, a2x-0.9, dvips-5.58, pstotext-1.7
The task given to us as our third year project has been to develop a set of tools to complement a course on classical algorithms. Most algorithmic texts choose to present algorithms by means of pseudo-code rather than C or Pascal. The idea is that the high-level pseudo-code contains all the key conceptual algorithmic ingredients in sufficient detail to allow any competent programmer to express the algorithm in their favourite programming language without obscuring the presentation with complicated low-level coding details.
Introduction, Pseudo-code to C Translator, Graph-drawing Utility, Project, Status, References.
Awk to Perl, Sed to Perl, h2ph Converting C header files into Perl header files
Newsgroups: comp.lang.c,comp.misc,comp.compilers From: (Glenn M. Mason)
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