JEU : Quel est l'entier positif inférieur à 1000 qui ne peut être obtenu en utilisant les opérations + - à / , un ou plusieurs des entiers 1 3 7 12 21 35 et éventuellement des parenthèses ( ) ?
Jean-Paul Davalan
Page du site donnant des polynômes du second degré ainsi que desliens vers d'autres ressources sur le sujet et en particulier vers le concours [Al Zimmermann's Programming Contests] organisé de mars à juin 2006.
Transpositions, Rotations des lignes ou des colonnes
<Enigmes pour tout le monde>
Un jeu de réflexion pour deux joueurs côte à côte
Ou si vous préférez, les
Grilles de jeu Wyx<
Martin Gardner celebrated math puzzles and Mathematical Recreations. This site aims to do the same.
by Mark Bowron
Mirror puzzles, number puzzles ...
Site swap explications en détail
Le site swap est une méthode de notation qui a été inventée pour décrire et développer de nouvelles trajectoires de jongleries. Il définit le rapport hauteur / temps des lancés dans un jonglage linéaire.
drian Fisher has the extraordinary vocation of designing and creating unique and beautiful mazes all over the world. He is internationally recognised as the world's leading maze designer.
written by Robert Abbott
Robert Abbott's Games. Eyeball Mazes. Alice Mazes. Theseus and the Minotaur. Sliding Door Maze. Tilt Mazes. Number Mazes...
George Jelliss
by Ron Eglash
Banque de problèmes récréatifs
William T. Pelletier
If you are a Logic Problem (LP) enthusiast as I am, then you know that LPs are one of the most educational, enjoyable, and inexpensive entertainments available. If you are new to this kind of puzzle, then I hope that this page will make you an addict.
Barry R. Clarke
Christian Boyer
by Jaap Scherphuis.
It is a non-commercial site. If you have a puzzle but don't know its name, then you can look at the
Graphical Overview of all the puzzles featured on this site.
Jorge A C B Soares.
Rubik's Cubes, Rubik's Dodekahedron, Rubik's Magic, Other Rubik's like Wooden Puzzles, Barrel Plastic Puzzles, Gyroscopes, Newton's cradle (ClickClack), Interwoven Boardgame (A Two Player BoardGame).
Associate Professor of Mathematics at Stetson University, located in DeLand, Florida.
For the record, Einstein didn't write the puzzle and far more than 2% of the world's population could solve it.
Doc Dick Botting.
<http://www.csci.csusb.edu/cs320/prolog/lab2.html#Logic Puzzles>
Does the series formed by adding a number to its reversal always end in a palindrome? This is not known.
Designed and implemented by John Walker in August 1987.
Starting number of sequence : 196 Auto-checkpoint every 2 hours, Checkpoint on Control C, Run at low priority
Three Years Of Computing Final Report On The Palindrome Quest Stop point reached on pass 2415836. Number contains 1000000 digits.
An Addendum to Mr. Walker's Three years of Computing
by Tim Irvin August 22, 1995
by Jason Allen Doucette.
English , Dutch, French
This puzzle has four frames, four colours, and no dead ends.
Paulus Gerdes
Ivars Peterson
Ivars Peterson
énigmes en tous genres (charades, devinettes, casse-tête...).
a collection links and books recommended by the Grey Labyrinth editors
Robert Abbott?s Games
Jorge A C B Soares
Advertising :
If you see a reference in one of the files that is not linked, and you know of a link address to the appropriate document,
please send me mail, and I will include the link in the document. Thanks very much in advance.
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Copyright © 1999-2012 Jean-Paul Davalan - Reproduction interdite.