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Origami - Paper folding

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The Miura-Ori map

Pliage de Miura

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by Ian Bain Academic Origami.
The British Origami Society is a group devoted to the art of paper-folding. We have over 700 members worldwide and publish a bi-monthly magazine. Our supplies section has a wide range of booklets unobtainable elsewhere. The BOS is a registered charity
Olivier Boisard
Ce mode de pliage, inventé par l'ingénieur japonnais Koryo MIURA, est un de ceux qui pourraient être retenus pour plier une voile solaire.
Il permet notamment un dépliage et un repliage particulièrement simples d'une feuille de papier (pourquoi pas une carte routière), en agissant uniquement sur deux de ses coins opposés.
par Myriam
<http://membres.lycos.fr/myriamn/origamibeginner.html> <http://membres.lycos.fr/pliages>
Le pliage MFPP
Le pliage "Miura-Ori" : Ce mode de pliage, inventé par l'ingénieur japonnais Koryo MIURA, est un de ceux qui pourraient être retenus pour plier une voile solaire.
Union pour la Promotion de la Propulsion Photonique - Olivier Boisard
Fold your own globe-in-a-box - Fujimoto's Cube - Montroll's Cube - Miura-ori
L'art et le plaisir de l'origami
<http://www.artorigami.com/index.htm> <http://www.artorigami.com/fr/gejoisel.htm>
par Kael Kael
<http://mickael.courouble.free.fr/open_nouveautes.html> <http://spinflipper.com/origami/index.html> <http://www.passionorigami.com/> <http://www.origami.com/index.html>
by Jasper (aka John Paulsen)
by Joseph Wu
Molecular Origami is an outgrowth of 'Data-Driven Chemistry', a technique of teaching chemistry under development by Prof. Bob Hanson at St. Olaf College, in Northfield, Minnesota.
Molecular Origami refers to the detailed folding and arrangement of atoms in molecules and network solids.
<http://www.stolaf.edu/people/hansonr/mo/> <../geom/origami/index.html>
Découvrez l'Origami
Vous allez trouver dans cette section tous les éléments nécessaires pour apprendre à réaliser vos premiers pliages et par la même occasion étonner votre entourage par votre savoir faire et votre dextérité à
Mathématique du secondaire - Xavier Hubaut, professeur émérite - Université Libre de Bruxelles
<http://xavier.hubaut.info/coursmath/vie/origami.htm> <http://www.origami.as/home.html> <http://shimura.math.berkeley.edu/~helena/origami/index.html> <http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/origami.html>
by Thomas Hull
These pages are an attempt to begin collecting information on the mathematics of paper folding. Anyone who has practiced origami has probably, at one time or another, unfolded an origami model and marveled at the intricate crease pattern which forms the "blueprint" of the fold. Clearly there are some rules at play in these collection of creases. Clearly there is an origami geometry at work when paper is folded.
Paula Versnick
by Eric M. Andersen
Chris Palmer
Paul Haeberli
<http://www.sgi.com/grafica/index.html#fold> <http://members.tripod.com/~PeterBudai/Index_en.htm> <http://www.interlog.com/~washi/chiyogami.htm>
David Huffman has been creating some very complex and original folded structures. He works with both straight and curved folds, using mathematical techniques that he has developed over many years. Mr. Huffman teaches at the University of California at Santa Cruz.
(code Huffman)
By Margaret Wertheim - Published: June 22, 2004 - NYTimes.com > Science
An article in Science Times on Tuesday about Dr. David Huffman, a pioneer in the application of math to origami,
<http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/22/science/22orig.html?ei=5007&en=48e57540cc74481f&ex=1403236800&partner=USERLAND&pagewanted=all&position=> <http://www.cs.utk.edu/~plank/plank/pics/origami/origami.html>
Georgia Davidson Sydney Australia
<http://clik.to/studioorigami> <http://www.studioorigami.bravepages.com/> <http://origamania.free.fr/> <http://www.origami.com/> <http://aureleduda.free.fr/>
Welcome to the OrigamiUSA Web Site! We have begun to add diagrams, puzzles, more resources and are continuing to develop more exciting features.
OrigamiUSA 15 West 77 St New York, NY 10024-5192
You can find folding instructions for making a simple origami DNA molecule
Mireille Corobu
Pour chaque modèle d'origami il y a une page en français et une page en Esperanto
by Gilad Aharoni
Home of the largest collection of origami book reviews and photo galleries.
<http://giladorigami.com/> <http://jardinexperimental.free.fr/trucs/sachetgraine/sachet-graine.htm>
Paper Kolding Activities for Kids



CRIMP  Centre de Recherche International en Modélisation par le Pli
C'est qui ? Un réseau artistique international réunissant des plieurs de papier de tous horizons (artistes, animateurs, conteurs, scientifiques...) créé à la fin du deuxième millénaire dans une volonté de partage des connaissances à des fins d'innovations "pliistiques".



Etienne Cliquet
Mon projet consiste à réaliser un environnement informatique à base de pliage (OrdiGami). Il comporte une unité centrale transparente (avec ventilateur lumineux et néon) dont chaque composants principaux (carte mère, CPU, disques, carte PCI, BUS, etc) sont réalisés selon les règles de l'origami (pliage d'une simple feuille de papier sans colle ni scotch ni ciseaux) ainsi qu'un clavier et un écran. Le tout est posé sur une table recouverte d'une plaque de verre de la même taille sous laquelle sont insérés des données les diagrammes et modèles de chaque composant.



Cuisine - Classique.com site de la Gastronomie Française
Quand serviettes et origami  se conjuguent ou l'art du pliage






by Virgil Widrich Austria/Luxembourg 2003 14 min



Tess is a computer program that can make crease patterns for origami tessellations. A screen shot of the PerlTK interface is shown below. This software has been installed and run on unix, linux systems and PCs.



by Maarten van Gelder
Origami Interest Group Sponsored by the University of Groningen and the KVI, The Netherlands.
ORIDRAW, ORITOPS and ORITOAIL are programs designed to make Origami diagrams. They are not WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) programs: both programs read commands from a file and converts them to diagrams. The drawing commands are especially devised for Origami, but you may use them for other drawings too.



are software environments for designing and building paper sculpture using polyhedra and custom variants of polyhedra.



covers the years 1966 through November 1998
This is the place to find out about Origami books, magazines, websites etc. as well as where model diagrams have been published. For more info on what is here and what you can do, check our User's Guide
This database operates like a Wiki. It's here for all to use and we hope that if you use it, you'll take a few minutes now and again to put something back in. So, if you have a book, magazine, website, photo, review or anything else that isn't already listed, please submit the details > Here! or look for links with the word 'Add'.



Roger Alperin
Origami, Geometry, and the Kawasaki Theorem, Origami and Topology



<http://shimura.math.berkeley.edu/~helena/origami/postscript/geotes.ps> <http://shimura.math.berkeley.edu/~helena/origami/postscript/orbit.ps>
By Jane Norman, consultant, education department, Metropolitan Museum of Art
In 1991, the Italian-Japanese mathematician Humiaki Huzita formulated 6 axioms of paper folding each abstracting an operation feasible with a concrete piece of paper.
Angle Trisection By Paper Folding. due to H. Abe (1980).
Marshall Bern, Erik Demaine, David Eppstein, and Barry Hayes
in Proceedings of the International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN'98), Isola d'Elba, Italy, June 18-20, 1998, pages 32-42.
Paper by Erik D. Demaine
We present an algorithm for a magic trick. Given a polygon with holes P, our algorithm determines a folding of a rectangular sheet of paper such that a single straight cut suffices to cut out P.
in Proceedings of the International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN'98), Isola d'Elba, Italy, June 18-20, 1998, pages 32-42.
We present an algorithm for a magic trick. Given a polygon with holes P, our algorithm determines a folding of a rectangular sheet of paper such that a single straight cut suffices to cut out P.
<http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~edemaine/papers/FUN98/> <http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~edemaine/papers/FUN2004i_TheoryComputSys/>



PaperfoldingTalk.pdf Alf van der Poorten AM
Sum a_v * x^v \into Fp[[x]] is algebraic if and only if it is generated by a finite automaton.



<http://www.ifold.org/PCOC_2000/index.html> <http://www.ifold.org/PCOC_2003/index.html>
Origami! Faites partager votre passion pour le pliage Galerie






<liens_geometry.html> <http://origamania.free.fr/Francais/Liens/Liens.html>
Links to other origami tessellation sites
with a link 'bookmarks origami' to this page
Origami Diagrams on the Web
by Jasper (aka John Paulsen)
<http://www.folds.net/tutorial/index.html> <www.giladorigami.com/Links_default.html>
Tom Hull Origami Mathematics


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