Langages Orientés Objet
Object Technology group at the School of Computing. The group currently has 24 members, engaged in a variety of activities using object technology.
Current research directions of the OSG include theoretical and practical aspects of object-oriented programming languages, multimedia and electronic publishing.
s an object oriented language designed to be simple, efficient, safe, flexible and non-proprietary. One way of placing it in the "space of languages" is to say that it aims to be as efficient as C, C++, or Fortran, as elegant as and safer than Eiffel, and support higher-order functions and iteration abstraction as well as Common Lisp, CLU or Scheme.
ICC++ is a high performance dialect of C++ which supports for parallel computation on shared memory and distributed memory machines.
We conduct research on programming language design and implementation, with an emphasis on these issues for object-oriented languages.
Cecil is a purely object-oriented language intended to support rapid construction of high-quality, extensible software.
Vortex is an optimizing compiler infrastructure for object-oriented and other high-level languages.
The goal of the Concert project is to develop portable, efficient implementations of concurrent object-oriented languages. Our approach incorporates aggressive whole program compilation, interprocedural optimization, and an efficient runtime system which works in concert with the compiler optimizations. The Concert System is an embodiment of these techniques, providing efficient implementations of object-oriented programs on a variety of platforms.
You can easily compile and run your own Cecil programs on UW CSE research machines under Linux, Solaris, or AIX.
Introduction aux Objets, Objets et Classes etc.
Version: 1.0.9 Robert John Hathaway III
This is an archive of the articles posted to the comp.lang.beta Usenet newsgroup.
ORBacus, JThreads/C++, ORBacus SSL ...
pointers to various information sources on the World Wide Web related to Object-Oriented languages and systems.
C++ Cecil Dylan Eiffel Perl5 Python
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