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Noyau de Linux - Linux Kernel

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chos-0.84.tar.gz, grub-0.4.tar.gz, mkboot-0.8.1.tar.Z, syslinux-1.48.tar.gz
HOWTOs: subject-specific help Guides: longer, in-depth books FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions man pages: help on individual commands Linux Gazette: online magazine LinuxFocus: multilingual online magazine Search / Resources - Links - OMF search



provides the changelist for every kernel release.
Set of slides, presumably from a presentation on the Linux VFS



is an application, which can make browsing source codes of Linux kernel easier than you can imagine. You can select between multiple versions of kernel (e.g. 0.01, 1.0.0, 2.0.33, 2.0.34pre13, 2.0.0, 2.1.101 etc.). With LSD you can search Linux kernel (fulltext, macros, types, functions and variables) and LSD can generate patches for you on the fly (files, directories or kernel)".


C / C++ doc

David A. Rusling
Michael K.Johnson and others
Vijo Cherian.
Richard Gooch
Ingo Molnar, Gadi Oxman and Miguel de Icaza.
Georg v. Zezschwitz, Linus Torvalds
Alan Cox.
Vipul Gupta
Vipul Gupta
Peter J. Braam
Claus Schroeter
R. Baruch and C. Schroeter



There's a fixed kernel section summarizing developers' work, bug fixes, new features and versions produced during the week. Published every Thursday.

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