Illusions optiques - Perception
Triangle isocèle
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J-P. Davalan
Pages àimprimer dont plusieurs illusions
Akiyoshi Kitaoka, Department of Psychology, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
interactive movies based on a paper by Edward H. Adelson
Eric Weisstein
Benham's Wheel, Black Dot Illusion, Bullseye Illusion, Café Wall Illusion, Freemish Crate, Goblet Illusion, Hermann Grid Illusion, Hermann-Hering Illusion, Hyzer's Illusion, Impossible Figure, Irradiation Illusion, Kanizsa Triangle, Müller-Lyer Illusion, Necker Cube, Orbison's Illusion, Parallelogram Illusion, Penrose Stairway, Poggendorff Illusion, Ponzo's Illusion, Rabbit-Duck Illusion, Tribar, Tribox, Vertical-Horizontal Illusion, Young Girl-Old Woman Illusion, Zöllner's Illusion
* The waterfall illusion, also known as the motion aftereffect, is undoubtedly one of the most famous visual illusions.
Hiroshi Ashida
From Michael's
"Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena" Benham Top Color Illusion
Michael Bach
George Mather, University of Sussex
Brian Scholl
Amos Storkey
Jean Delerue
Manuel Luque
La persistance des impressions lumineuses
illustrations et animations sur les moirages
Institute for Occupational Physiology at Dormund University
Akiyoshi Kitaoka, Department of Psychology, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
Sensation de mouvement
Al Seckel's homepage
Brightness Perception, Recovery of 3D from 2D, Size and Distance Perception, Cross-Modal Illusions
This book provides a full, general purpose and application independent exposition of the moiré phenomenon. Based on the Fourier theory it leads the reader through the various phenomena which occur in the superposition of repetitive layers, both in the image and in the spectral domains.
In solving the ill-posed problem from recovering 3D form from 2D images our brain makes a priori assumptions about the world.
Assumption 1 Faces are convex. Assumption 2 Light sources are stationary. Zigzagging ball?
Sciences Physiques et chimiques. Académie Nancy - Metz
F. Permadi
This example will produce a moiré pattern that resemble ghostly magnetic fields.
Tony Azevedo
Jacques Ninio -
Arte Archimède Emission du 06 fevrier 2001
Le cerveau recourt naturellement àdes procédures géométriques pour lui permettre de comprendre le monde.
LES SECRETS DE L'INVISIBLE... 4-7 mai 2005 Chamonix-Mont-Blanc
Psychologist. Student of Wundt
Lycée V. Hugo de Caen
Cholet, France, 1926
SymmetryWorks is a flexible and comprehensive system for pattern design
Pages de lens sur les
anamorphoses, les
images en 2D, ou en
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