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L'AnimatLab est dédié à l'approche animat, c'est-à-dire à la synthèse d'animaux simulés sur ordinateur ou de robots réels dont les lois de fonctionnement sont aussi inspirées que possible de celles des animaux.
Artificial Life Interactive Alife General Information
Animation, artificial intelligence, and dynamics meet.
Brains for Machines / Machines for Brains Hal Brain Design Nature ->Sensors->Brain ->Motors ->Nature Here you will find a new, general method of designing animats, robots and artificial life forms.We build brains for animats, robots and appliances.
URBAN CUTTLEFISH and The UnCONFIGURED Subject This page links to theanimations produced as design, analysis and presentation documents
An international scientific society devoted to education and furthering research on adaptive behavior in animals, animats, software agents, and robots. Welcome! This page is offered as a focal point for information useful to ISAB
The School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences (COGS) in the University of Sussex at Brighton is home to one of the world's largest groups of researchers studying artificial evolutionary and adaptive systems. Such work is often described using names such as Artificial Life, Evolutionary Computation, and Adaptive Behavior research.
Department of Computer Science Headed by: Prof. Dr. Rolf Pfeifer Specializing in: situated design and autonomous agent design
We are a research group within the Faculty of Engineering at UWE, Bristol. To study neural networks, genetic algorithms and machine learning...
Science ...
The Mobile Robots Group is a loose collection of staff and students who share a broad approach to AI: intelligence will, in our opinion, be best understood through the construction of agents which live autonomously in the real world, using non-symbolic-logical tools: `behaviour-based' architectures, neural networks, genetic algorithms, ethology, control theory.
The net was conceived by Janet Halperin, of the University of Toronto's Ethology department. Janet was working with Siamese Fighting Fish and looking for a way to model the various kinds of conditioning behaviour observed in experiments with this species. They're useful in this respect, because they do reliably exhibit a "fighting display", which can be measured fairly easily
The Lothian Evolutionary Algorithms Research Network (LEARN) is a group of researchers based in the Edinburgh area who share an interest in theoretical issues and practical applications of evolutionary algorithms (genetic algorithms, genetic programming, classifier systems etc.).
This site provides information on research and current work being carried out worldwide on Learning Classifier Systems. Much of what it available on this site derives from information gleaned for my own research work, and from contributions by others. In particular, I would like to acknowledge contributions and kind words from Stewart Wilson and suggestions from Tim Kovacs.
I'm a computer scientist with the US Navy's AI Research Center, focusing on machine learning (ML) and case-based reasoning (CBR). I've helped procure grants for 6.1 (basic) and 6.2 (more applied) contracts for developing our AI expertise and transitioning systems for use in Navy tasks, and am the P.I. for our ONR 6.2 grant on case-based reasoning. I serve the ML and CBR communities on journal boards (MLj, JAIR, Applied Intelligence), program committees, and as a reviewer.
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
<http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~cald/> <http://www.stat.washington.edu/aistats97/> <http://characters.www.media.mit.edu/groups/characters/>
Towards an Artificial Pet
SANS was established in 1987 at the Department of Numerical Analysis and Computing Science (NADA), the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). The scope of its research ranges from the design and evaluation of artificial neural network algorithms to realistic modelling of biological neuronal networks.
Bien que le principe d?un animal artificiel fut envisagé par L. Booker, le terme d?animat fut mentionné pour la première fois par S. Wilson lors de la première conférence internationale sur les algorithmes génétiques en 1985. Il y présenta son animat, animal artificiel, capable de découvrir de la nourriture au milieu d?arbres dans un monde discret de 18*58 cases.
NCARAI - The Intelligent Systems Section at the Navy Center For Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence (NCARAI) performs state-of-the-art research in cognitive robotics and human-robot interaction, predicting and preventing procedural errors, the cognition of complex visualizations, interruptions and resumptions, and spatial cogntion.



V. Magnin
Certaines de mes publications sont accessibles et vous pouvez aussi explorer mes sites préferés
Stéphane Calderoni Doctorant Groupe de Recherche MAS 2 Institut de Recherche en Mathématique et Informatique Appliquées
Connectionist Autonomous Robotics, Adaptive Behaviour, Embodied Cognition & Grounding, i.e. robot learning using recurrent connectionist networks, dynamical systems perspective on agent-environment interaction, representational vs. anti-representational accounts of cognition, biologically inspired robotics, embodied cognition & behaviour-oriented artificial intelligence, evolutionary & self-learning, adaptive autonomous agents, active perception & self-adaptation, emergence of complex functionality & behaviour.
Jan Paredis is affiliated to the Research Institute for Knowledge Systems BV since September 1989. Since January 1995 he is also affiliated to the Maastricht University , Department of Knowledge Systems. The Department of Knowledge System forms together with the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Mathematics the Maastrich t Research Institute for Knowledge and Systems
Jessica Hodgins is an Associate Professor in the College of Computing. Her graduate research involved programming a two-legged laboratory robot to run, accurately place its foot to avoid obstacles ...
I am presently working as a computational biologist in the Department of Artificial Intelligence (DAI) at the University of Edinburgh. My research involves investigation of perceptual mechanisms via the construction and testing of bionic ("life"-"like") models -- e.g., this DAI 6 DOF bionic sensorhead mounted aboard a mobile robot. A short list of publications on my work modelling active acoustic localisation mechanisms is available on-line.
I have a degree in Physics from the EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) and am currently studying for a PhD at the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the University of Edinburgh. My supervisors are Dr John Hallam and Prof David Willshaw (Cog. Sci.). I am member of the Mobile Robots and Evolutionary Computation groups of the department
PhD (4th year of 3), looking at evolving Neural Network controllers for walking robots. This project uses a parallel Genetic Algorithm to evolve Neural Networks which will act as controllers for a legged robot. The robot is currently a mechanical simulation, and so everything is done on the computer. _
I'm currently running an EPSRC-funded research project entitled ``An Investigation of Evoltuionary Scheduling''. This aims to study why and how well GA-based methods of scheduling work, and to extend current techniques in various directions to make them more useful for the real world. There are already a fair number of practical examples, but most of the proper experimental studies have been confined to academic benchmark sets.
Interests: Evolutionary Computation - genetic algorithms, and evolution and use of artificial immune systems.
My field of research is using problems in scheduling to explore representational issues in genetic algorithms and other `neighbourhood-search' optimisation techniques
PhD (4th year of 3), its Write-Up time... "An Investigation of Supervised Learning and GP" looking at various aspects of Genetic Programming at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh funded by EPSRC
Welcome to Rocio's home page, but remember this tour is at your own risk !.
Here are home pages for some ALife researchers
his page is devoted to recording uses of Aha in all its forms. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks to the many people who have contributed to this page.
Chris Atkeson's research focuses on machine learning, and uses robotics as a domain in which to explore the behavior of learning algorithms.
My main research interest is developing algorithms for machine learning control, with applications to robots, factories, and other complex systems. To further this goal I run the Auton project.
I am head of The LEGO Lab
<http://www.daimi.aau.dk/~hhl/index.html> <http://gracco.irmkant.rm.cnr.it/luigi/lupa.html>
I am teaching "Theories and Systems of Artificial Intelligence" at II University of Naples. My research interests are in the field of Cognitve Science and Educational Psychology.
I am studying the swimming of lampreys. A lamprey is a kind of fish which (similarly to eels) project itself in water by undulation of its body, without use of fins. The undulation is a traveling wave propagating from head to tail. Because their nervous system is relatively simple and robust, lampreys have been extensively studied by neurobiologists






Our miscellaneous source code for general use. There are no restrictions by us on the use of any of these materials. A drop-in replacement for the utility functions in the popular "Graphics Gems IV", (Paul Heckbert,ed.) from Academic Press.
<http://www.animats.com/topics/developers.html> <ftp://alife.santafe.edu/pub/SOFTWARE/>
This is an index of source code for implementations of genetic algorithms and other EC methods. Many of these packages are archived here at GA Archive, others are maintained as links. This list is now maintained alphabetically, and by language.
The Reproductive Plan Language RPL2 is an extensible, interpreted language for writing and using evolutionary computing programs. It supports arbitrary genetic representations, all structured population models described in the literature together with further hybrids, and runs on parallel or serial hardware while hiding parallelism from the user. It has been applied to a wide variety of real industrial applications. An extensive visualisation interface is also available.
written in C
What Software is out there ? Many folk have their own implementations, such as Tim Kovac's POP-11 implementation of XCS, Stewart Wilson's LISP implementation of XCS, or Pier Luca Lanzi's XCS. You may like to contact these people directly to see what help they are able to give.
Much of the software listed here is also available via anonymous ftp at alife.santafe.edu.
Author: Marc de Groot psoup1.0.tar.Z: the distribution package (53k).
R. Nobili and U. Pesavento. The universal constructor of John von Neumann is an extension of the logical concept of universal computing machine.
Author: Christopher G. Busch. Net-Life is a simulation of artificial-life, with neural "brains" generated via slightly random techniques.
Echo is a GA-oriented ecology system, written for John Holland by Terry Jones at the Santa Fe Institute.
Polyworld is maintained by Larry Yaeger.
ftp site. This is a free demonstration copy for Linux on an x86 PC






Nous avons réalisé des univers simulés dans lesquels des créatures animales artificielles apprennent à résoudre individuellement ou collectivement des problèmes : ...
The Role of Correlations in the Development of the Visual System
Mark Humphrys A dissertation submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Cambridge Technical Report June 1997



Dr. Gregory R. Mulhauser, Cognitive Systems Research



Cazoulat Renaud LAIAC Université de Caen
Selected publications (some downloadable, copies of others available), updated to July 27, 1998. Latest update to this page, July 31, 1998.
These papers quickly sketch out positions in specific areas and might eventually be re-worked into more extended, carefully argued articles.
Our work on GA-NN combinations started with Artificial Life research on the evolution of NNs mapping sensors to actions to define the behavior of animats [Paredis 91a]. The goal is to obtain NNs which allow the animats to survive in a (simulated) world.
About RPL2 RPL2 Documentation Applications Using RPL2
This file contains bibliographic citations (with abstracts) for recent papers produced at the University of Rochester.



The Genetic Algorithms Archive is a repository for information related to research in genetic algorithms. Available from this site are past issues of the GA-List digest, source code for many GA implementations, and announcements about GA-related conferences. Also, links are given to many interesting sites around the World with material related to evolutionary computation. This archive is maintained by Alan C. Schultz at The Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence. Contents: Calendar of EC-related events GA-List Archive: back issues, source code, information Links to other GA-related information Links to EC research groups' home pages Other related societies and sites



ORGANISMS VERSUS FETISHES Vedran Vucic and Henrik Hautop Lund
Generative Music Generative systems are hot news in music technology and on the Internet. We don't say it is easy creating the best in generative music (and being at the front is never easy), but SSEYO Koan Pro is an immense and incredible product.
We describe a series of experiments in generating traditional musical harmony using Genetic Algorithms. We argue that the encoding of explicit domain knowledge in these algorithms is helpful in producing a reasonable result, and discuss some problems which are specific to the musical domain.



Department of Artificial Intelligence



Symbolic Dynamics provides software and services for physically-based simulation of mechanical systems. Our main product is the "physics compiler" SD/FAST. SD/FAST takes a short description of an articulated system of rigid bodies (that is, bodies connected by joints) and derives the full nonlinear equations of motion for that system.
Animation Lab at Georgia Tech. Boston Dynamics, Inc. Animats MIT Leg Lab Other SD FAST-based codes SD FAST is the behind-the-scenes dynamics engine inside these widely-used programs Pro Mechanica Motion from Parametric
Customer Behaviour Modelling. Quadstone provides customer behaviour and propensity modelling solutions, incorporating both business and technical expertise, to a range of organisations



<liens_robot.html> <liens_ai.html>
The following URL's are some links to a variety of Data Mining webpages. They are not in any particular order. Actually, they are in the order I discovered (mined) them.
There are currently 395 sites here (and 675 separate urls). Most are web sites, but some are ftp or gopher.

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Advertising :   If you see a reference in one of the files that is not linked, and you know of a link address to the appropriate document, please send me mail, and I will include the link in the document. Thanks very much in advance.
Avertissement :    Le classement par catégories est approximatif. Certains liens se retrouvent dans des rubriques différentes et sur plusieurs pages. Les commentaires sont généralement des courts extraits des pages référencées. Il est possible que certains liens nécessitent une mise à jour.
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Copyright © 1999-2012 Jean-Paul Davalan - Reproduction interdite.